Shocking! Doctor Warns Men, Explains The Danger Of Withdrawal Method During Lovemaking
Jul 14, 2021
Many people like the skin to skin method of withdrawal When having coutise. So when the man is about to climax, he quickly pulls out to prevent the lady from becoming pregnant.
However, First Doctor spoke about the withdrawal method of contraception during lovemaking on his social media page. He advised and warned men who use this method to be very careful.
In the post, he said many babies were conceived using this method. He started by saying that men who rely on the withdrawal method to avoid pregnancy while intimacy with their partner must be careful.
In addition, he added that most people do not know that even pre- injection is enough to get a woman pregnant, and that is why many babies were born this way.
In his words he wrote:
" If you rely on withdrawal for contraception, use caution. It is not one hundred percent safe, even the pre ejaculation can make a woman get pregnant. Many babies were conceived this way. "
In doing so, the doctor has opposed the fact that the withdrawal method, which many believe will not make a woman pregnant. He made it known that a woman can actually get pregnant using this method. It is up to us, especially men, to heed this warning.
So in order for one to prevent unwanted pregnancy that may lead to abortion, use rubber instead of going through all that stress of withdrawaing because you would not even feel it as you would be very cautious and timely so mistakes don' t happen.
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